IAFP - International Association for Financial Planning
IAFP stands for International Association for Financial Planning
Here you will find, what does IAFP stand for in Accounting under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate International Association for Financial Planning? International Association for Financial Planning can be abbreviated as IAFP What does IAFP stand for? IAFP stands for International Association for Financial Planning. What does International Association for Financial Planning mean? Write for the IAFP financial planning kit The international association for financial planning is a worldwide non-profit organization of more than 21,000 members Vol. It is a trade group representing planners, brokers, agents and many of the companies. It is recommending the attainment of the CFP designation for practitioners. It is a registered with the U.
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Alternative definitions of IAFP
- International Association for Food Protection
- International Association of Flight Paramedics
- International Association for Food Protection
- Iowa Academy of Family Physicians
- Inter-American Forces of Peace
- International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy
View 7 other definitions of IAFP on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- IAFF International Association of Fire Fighters
- IAFFA Ibero-American Federation of Financial Associations
- IAFFBF International Association of Fire Fighters Burn Foundation
- IAFHD Iraqi Almortaqa Foundation for Human Development
- IAFI Interfaith Alliance Foundation, Inc.
- IAFIS Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System
- IAFL Ignite American Football Ltd
- IAFM International Academy of Financial Management
- IAFMC Illinois Asylum for Feeble Minded Children
- IAFN International Association of Forensic Nurses
- IAFO Ibero-American Federation of Ombudsmen
- IAFOR The International Academic Forum
- IAFP International Association for Financial Planning
- IAFRF International Association For Religious Freedom
- IAFS IA Financial Services
- IAFSL Island Abbey Food Science Ltd.
- IAFT International Association For Transformation
- IAFTHK International Academy of Film and Television Hong Kong
- IAFTL International Association for F***ing with The Law
- IAFU International Association of Fake Universities